Padre Stefano era il nostro parroco. Ci ha lasciati il 7 gennaio scorso verso le 15:00 nel letto dell'ospedale civile di Benevento
Ve ne voglio parlare attraverso semplici cose che passano perla piccola quotidianità della nostra parrocchia.
Voleva veramente bene a noi, suoi parrocchiani! Quanto abbiamo imparato!? Quanto ancora avrebbe potuto darci!?
Una spiritualità forte, perseverante, adamantina. Le omelie sempre legate alla parola. Meditate. Sempre riservato, schivo, timido. Un sguardo semplice che affondava le radici nella profondità di una vita di preghiera. Si affidava a Dio in tutto.
Prima e dopo la messa domenicale era bello salutare padre Stefano in sagrestia. Aveva sempre un sorriso che dava sicurezza e pace. Mi dicevo prima di arrivare in chiesa per la celebrazione domenicale: facciamo presto padre Stefano è solo. Ha bisogno di aiuto per la celebrazione. Bisogna organizzare letture e canti. Invece ero io che avevo bisogno di quella sua semplicità radicata in Dio, domenica dopo domenica per 10 anni. E poi padre Stefano non era mai solo. Stava a pregare in compagnia del Signore. Non never wasted time without praying. Sometimes the shelling was in the rosary, others to read you a book on spirituality, some in silence near the altar. Prayer was the only thing for which to him was worth worrying about.
many stories to tell!? Like the time we asked him the date of his birthday and told us not to remember but that was the day of Santa Cecilia.
It 's true: sometimes we would have liked to see more, shall we say, "are leaders of crowds."
But we realized that was not in his nature to drag himself because he was dragged by the love and fear of God which is entrusted continuously. Just wanted to send this, and succeed.
why we all saw in him the very man of God, the small, weak and strong sign of the Lord's presence among us. He did not need to go out on the streets to meet people. The force of his example drew many. Sometimes you saw it linger in the church until 21:00 to get people. He always had time for confession and administer the sacraments. He always had time to listen. In the last period, although tired and sick, had always his parish in the heart.
The last time we saw him was at a convent. He was smiling and had a mind to go short with us. He 's back only last week there was waiting for his entire parish community with more than fifty priests and a crowd that our little church could not hold, to witness a true and sincere affection for this little man God's sign of his presence among us.
Father Stephen, miss you so much. We love you and your parishioners will remember.
Keep praying for us from up there, for your parish community and also for all priests who have so much need your prayers and your example.
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