Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fluid Lump On Dogs Chest

* * * Happy New Year

Buona Befana a tutti!
Il periodo più bello dell'anno ahimè è giunto al termine, continueremo a portarlo nel nostro cuore con i buoni propositi e il desiderio di essere sempre migliori.
Oggi è l'ultimo giorno per iscriversi (nel post del 2 dicembre 2010 entro ore 24 di oggi January 6, 2011) to my first blog candy, thank you so much you have registered and many are very happy, I'm sorry to have to press one, but it would be impossible to do otherwise, we will have an opportunity to make others Blog Candy.
I wanted to tell you that I will be impossible to extract because it immediately for the next two days I will not be available online the internet, but as soon as possible will announce the winner or winners!
A virtual hug to all and again Happy New Year!


PS: heart with sheep now houses inspired by Terrye French from my sister!


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