Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rabbit Fungal Nail Infection

Catholics in politics: the voice of Campanini

hard not to share reflections of Campanini.
Unfortunately slowly This old guard of Catholics from the back straight is disappearing ... those who will take over

Campanini: Catholics frightened by the political

«Il cattolicesimo italiano sta diventando intimistico», dice il professore, «e soffre ormai della stessa malattia che affligge la nostra società: ciascuno si fa gli affari propri».

Don Sturzo incontra Alcide De Gasperi.
Don Sturzo incontra Alcide De Gasperi.
Premette e avvisa: «La fede non può in alcun modo sostituire la conoscenza puntuale dei problemi, che è una condizione necessaria perché le decisioni assunte dalla politica siano efficaci e producano buoni risultati». Giorgio Campanini, per lunghi anni professore di Storia delle dottrine politiche all’Università di Parma e poi di Etica sociale a Lugano e di Teologia del laicato alla Pontificia Università Lateranense a Roma , ha appena compiuto 80 anni e ragiona di politica e di fede, di religioni e di Stato e del rapporto non sempre facile tra cristianesimo e potere. E riflette sull’Italia e sulla Chiesa, i suoi vescovi e i suoi laici impegnati e disimpegnati, in un travagliato momento politico per il Paese . Voce di riferimento per la comunità ecclesiale durante la stagione postconciliare, senza sconti per nessuno.

Professore, perché la conciliazione tra il cristiano e la politica è difficile?
«Per un cristiano la politica è “servizio”, but then has to be careful and not make trouble between the ethic of success and the ethics of testimony. "

But what part you from?
"From the Gospel, because in there are the tools for analysis. Take the issue of jurisdiction. Reread Luke, when the Lord says that those who hear his words is like a man who built the house on the rock and when the storm and the river breaking its banks stands the house because it was well built. So, to do good in politics is not enough good will, good faith, as they say, and even a personal piety. "

And the spirit of service, often abused other formula?
"There is hypocrisy with which it often uses the power of that formula, but essentially aims for success and self-assertion or in groups. It is the theme of distortion: cronyism, favoritism different, misuse of the political persuasion of up to corruption. But there is another issue to be analyzed, namely the gray area that lies between the real corruption, that is a crime, and the exercise of discretion, which is not a crime but does not mean that it is permissible if it becomes improper. For a Christian in politics is not enough to refrain from corruption, must also be given an exemplary testimony, for example staying away from people - relatives, friends, donors, supporters - calls for an uninhibited use of power, aid posts and so on. It's called "moral rigor" and now is a kind of chimera. "

How do you rate the current political moment?
"It's one of the saddest in the history of the Republic, but it is all because of politics. A heavy responsibility has the public, who preferred the TV entertainment, that does not ask the correct information, which decided not to participate in civic life. And when are Catholics who have lost passion for the city, that is love for the common things, to dirla con Giorgio La Pira, il guaio è grande. Negli ultimi trent’anni i cattolici se ne sono andati dalla politica, hanno messo nel cassetto le proprie “virtù sociali”, hanno deciso di non andare a votare».

Peccato di omissione?
«Non faccio il confessore. Osservo solo che la disinformazione va bene, che si è accettata la delega passiva, che in giro c’è una riluttanza forte a informarsi sui programmi dei partiti e le personalità dei candidati, che “tutto va bene” e chi dissente è guardato con sospetto. Domando: davvero è senza importanza che l’etica pubblica sia sparita dall’orizzonte?».

Secondo lei da quando è accaduto?
«Da Craxi in poi è iniziata una fase involutiva della politica».

Che i cattolici non sono stati in grado di contrastare...
«Esattamente. Da una parte ci si era illusi che occupando ancora il potere con la Dc si poteva salvare qualche cosa. Dall’altra, l’episcopato italiano ha creduto, venuta meno la Dc, di poter gestire direttamente il rapporto tra la Chiesa e la politica. Ma ha demotivato i laici cattolici. Se l’episcopato parla sempre, perché dovrebbero poi intervenire i laici? L’esempio più recente è la Settimana sociale di Reggio Calabria: attenzione al messaggio del Papa e alla relazione del cardinale Bagnasco e silenzio sul lavoro delle commissioni dove parlavano i laici. Qualche difetto c’è».

Senza il cardinale Ruini in questi anni sarebbe stato peggio?
«Da molti anni la Cei gestisce in prima persona il rapporto con la politica. Io credo che, invece, i vescovi dovrebbero intervenire solo in casi eccezionali. La Gaudium et spes sottolinea la responsabilità dei laici. C’è qualcosa che non va nell’applicazione del Concilio».

Cosa bisogna cambiare?
«Bisogna scovare qualche organismo ecclesiale che dia voce ai laici ed esprima l’opinione dei cattolici e non solo dei vescovi. Può essere il Comitato permanente delle Settimane sociali, ma deve essere guidato da un laico e non da un vescovo. Oppure il Forum del progetto culturale, ma vescovi e cardinali devono fare un passo indietro».

Per dire che cosa?
«Per parlare, innanzitutto. Le faccio un esempio: sui 150 anni dell’unità d’Italia non c’è alcun documento su cosa i cattolici si attendono, su cosa vogliono che sia realizzato. Hanno parlato solo vescovi e cardinali. Sulla crisi politica non è stato elaborato nulla e non basta assolutamente per essere contenti mettere in fila le prolusioni del cardinale Bagnasco alle Assemblee e ai Consigli permanenti della Cei. I laici cattolici parlano e scrivono in ordine sparso e non c’è nessuno che si preoccupi di dare loro single voice. "

is only a matter of form or content?
"Passion civil latita even from the pulpit, from the catechism, the daily practice: it is fear of politics. The Italian Catholicism is becoming intimate and suffers the same disease of society: each do their own business. "

And on "non-negotiable values"?
"The argument I have some reservations. The existence of God is a value that is not negotiable. But when it expands too falls into this category more than a misunderstanding and prevent the policy of having citizenship. Politics is the art of mediation. Take your life in peace value is not negotiable. But the statement is not enough, because then we have to understand how it defends itself in a particular historical moment, that is, as you negotiate the choices. You can also divide the Catholics among them, coming to different policy choices, that this does not create a scandal. "

The current government on this plan do you think should be promoted?
"You can say that has prevented any radical tendencies on the issue of euthanasia. But public policy in favor of the family I believe is heavily negative. And there are privacy issues as the question of ethics separate from the public, the syndrome of presidentialism, the subordination of the values agli interessi, l’uso strumentale, a volte, dell’etica evangelica, l’apparenza a scapito della sostanza».

Molti tendono a dare la colpa a Silvio Berlusconi. Lei che ne pensa?
«Magari fosse così! Auguro a Berlusconi lunga vita da pensionato. Ma non è lui il problema. È la cultura che in questi anni è stata imposta: arrivista, erotizzata, basata sulla visibilità. Piace agli italiani, ma non dovrebbe piacere ai cattolici».
Alberto Bobbio

Friday, January 28, 2011

Corbin Fisher Cody Sean

I come to you, I was a little neglected this Babbino Christmas skinny skinny, it's too cute , adapted from a book by Shara Reiner was love at first sight, very fun to try some gifts for her including a lot caramellona the American giant in the shape of an umbrella handle can not remember the name!
now housed at the home of a friend of mine on my Apennines!
hug you all!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Dpo When Af Is Due


In arrivo un miliardo e 82 milioni di euro suddivisi tra il ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali (486 milioni di euro), il ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (492,5 milioni di euro) e ministero della Gioventù (103,8 milioni di euro) per iniziative in favore dei giovani
“Ho appreso con molto piacere – dichiara l’Assessore alla Formazione e Lavoro, Rosa Mastrosimone – l’annuncio del “Piano di azione per l’occupabilità dei giovani”, promosso ieri a Palazzo Chigi dai Ministri della Gioventù, Giorgia Meloni, dell'Istruzione, Mariastella Gelmini e del Lavoro, Maurizio Sacconi, con il quale il governo mette sul tavolo un miliardo e 82 milioni di euro per rilanciare l’occupazione giovanile”. Leggi tutto...

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Mastrosimone: “la Regione Basilicata è tra le prime in Italia ad aver sottoscritto l’accordo per garantire la prosecuzione della mobilità e fare in modo che i lavoratori in difficoltà non rimanessero senza sostegno al reddito”
E' stato sottoscritto ieri l’Accordo Quadro tra la Regione Basilicata, l’Inps e le associazioni datoriali e sindacali per la gestione degli ammortizzatori sociali per l’anno 2011 e per la definizione delle modalità operational use of financial resources allocated in 2010 and not yet used to the suggestion of the Training and Employment, Rosa Mastrosimone. Read more ...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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The Councillor for Education and Work in the Basilicata region has focused on the role of regions, provinces and social partners
"The improvement of employment policies is possible if you implement a close cooperation of all entities that provide services, incentives and employment policies at the local level, with a view to taking full charge of the worker and the facilitation of the meeting between demand and supply of labor. " And
'said today in Matera Councillor for Education and Work, Culture and Sport, Rosa Mastrosimone during the training seminar "The active employment policies: the Role of the Provinces." Read more ...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nadine Jansen With Millena Velba


Greetings to all!
What do the bunny lying Penate?
Perhaps, you say, she was tired?!?!
These are the mysteries of science and technology, there 'was no way to publish la foto decentemente, proverò a rimetterla in piedi  appena il mio pc mi permetterà di farlo!
Questa coniglietta tratta da un pattern di Terrye French l'avevo già pubblicata in diversi post precedenti, però volevo farvi vedere il maglione che le ho fatto, visto la stagione, dovrò anche farle le calzine!
Per ora non ho molte cose da farvi vedere sono un pò in pausa di riflessione.
A presto!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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The Councillor for Education, Rosa Mastrosimone, describes in detail the provisions of the Plan

Canteens and transport projects of educational innovation and education, improvement of quality and effectiveness of 'educational offer education, promotion of merit and excellence, integration of pupils at a disadvantage or discomfort socio-cultural.

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"At the last National Executive the great soul of Italia dei Valori has faced a tough transition but healthy. We have worked to strengthen our rules, relating to the relationship with both the exterior and internal dynamics. A stronger party who reiterated the absolute prohibition to create currents in it and that has enhanced the tools of participation and discussion to make the IDV more mature, more compact, more solid. "
Mastrosimone Rosa said, segretario regionale dell’Italia dei Valori della Basilicata, che continua: “abbiamo deliberato di porre sempre maggiore attenzione alle candidature e, soprattutto, alla selezione della classe dirigente, che è il cuore pulsante con cui ci proponiamo ai cittadini per risolvere i loro problemi e poterne così meritare i consensi. A livello nazionale, abbiamo riaffermato l’impegno a costruire una coalizione democratica, liberale, riformista e solidale, in alternativa alla politica corruttiva, padronale,e , per questo, dannosa, del governo Berlusconi e della sua maggioranza parlamentare. Abbiamo quindi impegnato gli organi di partito a costruire questa coalizione con le forze politiche affini nel programma e nelle culture di riferimento. In short, we have grown a little more ': a maturity beyond bell'esame with honors. A party of many, too many souls, some said looked all'Idv. Executive, however, we have come out stronger than before. Ours is a party that has a single, great soul capable, yes, so many feelings. Tivoli - concludes the regional secretary - Italy of Values \u200b\u200bshared with renewed enthusiasm and with the certainty of being a united party, with the pride of belonging, believing they can play an important role for our country " .

Monday, January 17, 2011

Can People Live Meny Years With Thyroid Cancer


The commissioner Mastrosimone reiterated that the Government is willing to accept changes to the Plan, provided that they comply with the guidelines set by the national government.
Read more ...

Balloon Tower Defence That Is Not Blocked

Letter to Diocesan Council

THE DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC ACTION At the end of my tenure as diocesan secretary. THE PUBLIC HERE. WHY PART OF ME.

Dear friends old and new advisers,
after the exchange of mail in November I said that I thought nel cuore le vostre parole. Però non sempre è facile aprire il cuore. Oggi decido di farlo con voi perché siamo insieme chiamati a prendere decisioni importanti che determineranno il prossimo triennio.
            Il consiglio è stato rinnovato.  Ci sono oggi 8 nuove persone: renza orsola sisina emanuela marilena lia carmelina veronica., delle quali tre con esperienze in precedenti consigli (renza, carmelina, sisina). Dei vecchi siamo rimasti in 11: io daniela angelo rino federico valentino marino ennio raffaele teresa joy.
In the last three years has been done by us all work nice and hard, trying to hold together the association at the diocesan level to prevent sticking and Ammuina those that the bishop many times has urged us to avoid. All this without neglecting the need for the association to be incorporated more fully into the fabric of the Church.
It 's a job that has borne fruit because, beyond the inevitable friction due to incompatibilities and personal traits that are perhaps unavoidable, all directors have a sincere heart the fate of the association, providing the best of their forces.
Nevertheless, today in a council partly renovated, we are called together in an effort more: to make this formal unity becomes substantial. Do not drive straight from the report friendship and the spirit of sympathy / antipathy, but a unity strengthened on many other foundations, faith in the Lord that brings us together and the good of the association where we are called to play at this time our service in the Church.
personally in these three years past I have had the burden and honor of playing the role of secretary of 'Association, a post he led me to evaluate and deal with the president and assistant unit many situations, recommendations and preparing agendas and organizing, in first person with the children of the Secretariat, many initiatives unit.
This role has brought me, as was natural, praise and criticism due to my strengths and limitations personal well-known.
It is not for me to judge the My work in combination. Sometimes my attitude but I can judge myself. Maybe sometimes I felt, I mean in a spiritual sense, too "crucial" situations, and an excess of my "zeal association" has led some to consolidate already formed opinions about me. Maybe I'm too easily surrendered before the rejection of true relationships that seemed to catch in some (.... And maybe it was not so!) And inability to "logistics" to cultivate, since in those three years my life has was "upset" (for good of course) by two precious gifts, Joseph and Martha. However, as she repeats with Don Gregorio Franco of Nyssa, "is the work that shows that the quality of those who carry it."
not get me wrong. I say this because today, at the end of my term in presidential council, I feel a moral duty to highlight some of the knotty problems of life advice that I hope the next president will accept with due care and attention ... just to build the substantial unity I mentioned earlier. Please gloss over some course of expression that may apparirvi ultimativa: sono espressioni proprie del mio stile a cui non mi va di rinunciare ma vi assicuro che non presumono, nelle intenzioni, di essere assolutamente valide per tutti e vengono offerte come semplice aiuto e punto di vista.
            Un primo nodo problematico è LA NECESSITA ’ DI UN PATTO EDUCATIVO in associazione. Ciò significa che tra i settori e le articolazioni dell’associazione deve esserci fiducia e stima reciproca full, without failure of any kind. For this reason I talk about educational agreement, because that must be a covenant (the terms are ending without formality ... just with a handshake!) In order to carry out the educational service (formativo!) that the Church entrusts to us . Especially, in this sense, is the delicate relationship between the unit level (unit president and assistant) and sectors. The decisions of the Presidency and the assistant unit are very important areas. Determine both the climate in the council. No one should feel under attack in combination for the work done. Everyone should feel free to express assessments and advice, with open minds. The pact that I propose is this: to base our relations on the board an unconditional trust and respect the result of charity, overcoming the natural antipathy / sympathy that we all carry with us. How many are true for us the exhortations of St. Paul to the Romans: "Let love be genuine ... outdo each other!
The second problem is the appropriate node AWARENESS OF THE ROLE OF DIOCESAN LEVEL . Often we are not aware enough of the conditions and consequences of role before it the diocesan level tracking of parishes. This guidance assumes that you do not agree with cutting through assessments on parish associations or their general, there are parishes and parishes not virtuous virtuous, there are no existing or non-existent workers. There are only parish associations that need to be accompanied by: small or large. The role of the Diocesan Council, especially members of the Bureau, requires a real suspension of disbelief (epochè!) respectful of the work more or less obvious that, among other difficulties, the current 23 parishes of the association bring forward. This stay of proceedings may be the right assumption "spiritual" to the accompaniment of the seriously parishes, especially new ones (Airola, Airola, Luzzi and Moiano in formation) and in the years past six years have supported the vitality, even numbers, Association of our Diocesan against a very strong and substantial decline of associations and members. Here, to avoid the normal outlets for those seeking to engage with phrases like:
- "in this parish is not Catholic Action" (... and all to wonder: how do you do in your own? )
-“i responsabili sono solo sulla carta” (e tutti a pensare: dove? in quale associazione?),
-“ci sono parrocchie dove si lavora ed altre dove non si lavora” (…e tutti li a pensare: quali sono?!),
-“noi facciamo di tutto ma non ci rispondono e non vengono” (….e tutti a chiedersi: chi è che non risponde?),
-“il tale assistente non fa niente” (beh…. qui nessuno si chiede niente perché non abbiamo pudore ed esplicitiamo facilmente our criticism of the assistant on duty), etc. ...;
here, I said, avoid all this (the-back phrases and thoughts) would help all diocesan advisers to be aware of their role and avoid making sfogatoio the diocesan council of frustrated parishioners and holders of the verb associations (pardon the expression a bit 'stronger and probably last! Please do not try identifications in this or that person because he is a subject that affects everyone, not least the worst thing for me is the back-thoughts!)
Finally, the third node the problem is Inclusivity ' as a way of organizing efforts. In these three years I had a wonderful experience with the children of the secretariat: Valentino (responsible AVE) Rino (responsible WEB MEMBERSHIP) Lorenzo (Deputy Secretary to do everything) and our director Federico. Indeed I take this opportunity to thank the secretary's job done and for the friendship mostratami several times. Without them, many initiatives were completed with a lot more difficult. I seriously regret Massimo Calvano who left office after one year because he felt, to mio parere e ai ragazzi l’ho fatto presente a suo tempo, escluso da tutti noi (io federico vale lorenzo rino). Certamente questi giovani della segreteria non sono i miei amici delle uscite, né tanto meno ho potuto giocare con loro le tante “serate lupus” (gioco “tribale” che ad oggi ancora non ho capito e che mi piacerebbe fare!   Questa è una precisa richiesta di invito ;-)). Tuttavia vi dico che, per la mia piccola esperienza, con loro ho cercato di essere “inclusivo”. Vuol dire che ho sempre cercato di non escluderli dalle cose e dalle iniziative per il solo fatto che non mi fossero all’inizio simpatici al 100%, che all’inizio non mi fidassi of them 100%. Being inclusive means to organize this, to credit, to trust in spite of the limits that you are clear. Do not give confidence to those around you to say more often than not preclude a possibility of real and significant report. This I tried to do with them, in part, I had to revise my opinions and I was also in part returned. I have learned a lesson: to live the liability associated with such monarchs of the results, managers charged with a weight at times unbearable, it helps us to be inclusive in the sense that I made. Sometimes it is necessary to risk a little and be more inclusive because what matters is not the perfect result but goodness work that determines it. Maybe we will not have all the accolades you expected, maybe the large patches. ... But we did and lived associatively commitments.
I come finally to an issue that concerns me deal with the new president of the diocesan council about the future . So to take a chance on a sensitive issue. Are perhaps the least appropriate person to deal with it. But even here I feel a strong moral obligation to speak from the heart in his hand. I want to be with you true friend and traveling companion: I would venture into this land to me "undermined".
Unfortunately, about the sensitive issue of Bureau diocese, I have found in recent months, a de facto situation involving well over my person and my intentions of many of the former council.
Although not nominated for anything, just wanting to play all the way with seriously the mandate entrusted to the secretary, my person is been involved in the dispute over the presidency. On the other hand it was natural to think that I was a "papabile" is the only survivor of the last triad, are now the ex-secretary. In addition to many, even in a parish, it seems natural that the future president who is more determined and interpreted the line diocesan associations. A choice of continuity would have said! If we were fine with Nisia, it seems natural to choose Diego.
But it is not: I was not asked for any availability for the presidency, or I think I'm ambitious to the point of self-promotion. On the other hand, a associazione democratica e viva come la nostra su questo punto è sovrana.
            Ed è giusto che sia così! Queste cose vanno chieste nei tempi opportuni e comunque dalle persone preposte ( l’assistente unitario e il presidente uscente nella fase pre-assembleare, il nuovo consiglio diocesano nella sua interezza che vota la terna dopo l’assemblea ). Poi il vescovo liberamente decide.
Dopo tre anni spesi per la nostra associazione, I do not deserve all the reviews that some (pochi!), but is motivated by a sincere search for the right person to lead our association, have given me, perhaps motivated by antipathy incorruptible. Such judgments are not justified even in my many limitations and a character that at times may seem rough.
You see, dear friends and fellow travelers of the board, personally I think I have the limitation of not being able to immediately and instantly accept different points of view from my staff that I shall be put forward. I have to work a lot about myself in order to avoid this error. In the discussions, especially when sudden rise or momenti di stanchezza, questo errore mi porta a volte ad apparire poco flessibile ed a mostrare, preso dai miei “giusti” (?) ragionamenti, tratti a volte antipatizzanti. Ben conscio di ciò cerco sempre di tornare sulle questioni per cambiare punto di vista e, se necessario, chiedere anche scusa. Tuttavia questo mio limite in contesti ampi come il livello diocesano può portare alcuni di coloro con cui non ho una particolare consuetudine di relazioni amicali, a consolidare giudizi già formati. Ma chi non ha di questi limiti? Chi nel nostro consiglio non gode di antipatie e simpatie?
Vi assicuro che personalmente insieme al presidente ho ispirato e salvaguardato tante delle mediazioni (a volte al ribasso, devo ammetterlo!) che in questo triennio hanno tenuto unita l’associazione, evitando insieme a voi quegli appiccichi e ammuine tanto deplorati dal vescovo. Non sono uno che crea divisioni da contrapporre a chi invece non ne creerebbe! Godo di grande stima personale da parte del vescovo e dell’assistente unitario (posso tranquillizzarvi su punto)! Anzi ho sempre cercato in tutta sincerità di evitare le divisioni e le liti, assicurando l’adeguata preparazione dei consigli, coinvolgendo tutti nelle iniziative, cercando di non rispondere di fronte ad attacchi che a volte ingiustificabilmente trascendevano sul piano personale ecc … In un consiglio rinnovato solo in part (I do not want the new 8), even the next presidency will be that!
why I am also convinced that this situation does not deserve my prayerful silence, but a few words clear and authentic.
No, not right! For this reason in the next three years outdo each other and love among us has not fiction! We overcome the sterile and useless personal dislikes! Gli inutili pregiudizi! Le nostre finte certezze! Mettiamoci in discussione insieme! Cerchiamo di essere l’uno per l’altro segno di contraddizione per svelare in tutta franchezza i pensieri dei nostri cuori. Forse scopriremo che certe distanze che oggi paiono tanto siderali da non permetterci relazioni autentiche, in realtà sono piccole piccole e superabili con un semplice passo. Il prossimo presidente ha bisogno del nostro aiuto, soprattutto di questo aiuto spirituale.
Gareggiamo nella stima vicendevole, amiamoci senza finzioni!!!!
            Vi confesso che per me grande è stata la tentazione di lasciare, reputando molto grave l’offesa subita come laico impegnato, professionista e padre di due figli. Ma poi mi sono detto che sono appunto “conseguenze in-intenzionali di azioni umane intenzionali” (il filosofo mi sembra che sia Popper.): a volte ci troviamo coinvolti in situazioni più grandi di noi aldilà delle intenzioni di ciascuno.
            Finally prevailed desire to follow my inclination to fight and to have a peaceful heart and prove to me that words have been wasted for free. This open letter is also the fruit and the time of this internal struggle has not ended yet.
why I felt the need to share these reflections with you, daring to hope to be heard without misunderstanding, in view of our first board where I'll be happy to deal with you the adventure of the next three years! See you soon.
Airola December 30, 2010
(anniversary of my marriage) Diego

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A man of God


Padre Stefano era il nostro parroco. Ci ha lasciati il 7 gennaio scorso verso le 15:00 nel letto dell'ospedale civile di Benevento
Ve ne voglio parlare attraverso semplici cose che passano perla piccola quotidianità della nostra parrocchia.
Voleva veramente bene a noi, suoi parrocchiani! Quanto abbiamo imparato!? Quanto ancora avrebbe potuto darci!?
Una spiritualità forte, perseverante, adamantina. Le omelie sempre legate alla parola. Meditate. Sempre riservato, schivo, timido. Un sguardo semplice che affondava le radici nella profondità di una vita di preghiera. Si affidava a Dio in tutto.
Prima e dopo la messa domenicale era bello salutare padre Stefano in sagrestia. Aveva sempre un sorriso che dava sicurezza e pace. Mi dicevo prima di arrivare in chiesa per la celebrazione domenicale: facciamo presto padre Stefano è solo. Ha bisogno di aiuto per la celebrazione. Bisogna organizzare letture e canti. Invece ero io che avevo bisogno di quella sua semplicità radicata in Dio, domenica dopo domenica per 10 anni. E poi padre Stefano non era mai solo. Stava a pregare in compagnia del Signore. Non never wasted time without praying. Sometimes the shelling was in the rosary, others to read you a book on spirituality, some in silence near the altar. Prayer was the only thing for which to him was worth worrying about.
many stories to tell!? Like the time we asked him the date of his birthday and told us not to remember but that was the day of Santa Cecilia.
It 's true: sometimes we would have liked to see more, shall we say, "are leaders of crowds."
But we realized that was not in his nature to drag himself because he was dragged by the love and fear of God which is entrusted continuously. Just wanted to send this, and succeed.
why we all saw in him the very man of God, the small, weak and strong sign of the Lord's presence among us. He did not need to go out on the streets to meet people. The force of his example drew many. Sometimes you saw it linger in the church until 21:00 to get people. He always had time for confession and administer the sacraments. He always had time to listen. In the last period, although tired and sick, had always his parish in the heart.
The last time we saw him was at a convent. He was smiling and had a mind to go short with us. He 's back only last week there was waiting for his entire parish community with more than fifty priests and a crowd that our little church could not hold, to witness a true and sincere affection for this little man God's sign of his presence among us.
Father Stephen, miss you so much. We love you and your parishioners will remember.
Keep praying for us from up there, for your parish community and also for all priests who have so much need your prayers and your example.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thank You Card To New Hair Clients


Assessor Mastrosimone: "We made haste to better support our sport really." A quick transfer of funds to other provinces and municipalities
Contributions to € 900 thousand was allocated by the Region, through the Department of Education, Labour, Culture and Sport in the world of sport, namely the 128 realities such as regional support measures, in favor of sports federations and companies involved in national domestic and international events (measure f).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tarnów Willa Strusińska


"The Plan of school-based sizing guidelines and decrees which set the threshold to 500 students to maintain legal status of schools. Possible exceptions only for mountain communities, linguistic communities and Higher iperspecialistiche "

The decision on the Middle School" N. Feast "of the substance contained in the Plan of Sizing Scholastic recently approved by the Regional Council was due to respect the guidelines and criteria established by the regional DPR 233/98 and the inability to provide for exceptions to the school in question did not fall as in the cases provided by the rules. The clarification is
by the Assessor Training, Employment, Culture and Sport, Rosa Mastrosimone, after some newspapers and some politicians were involved in the issue.

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Alpha-jet Spare Parts




Blogger Galadriel said ...

What beautiful and wonderful blog candy! Congratulations, I love the things you do, I participate, I become your advocate and you link;)
December 3, 2010 22:13

Roberta contact me via la mia email

Grazie, grazie, grazie, siete state troppo brave e numerose, un abbraccio a tutte! 


Friday, January 7, 2011

Deep Throat Heather Brooke


Mastrosimone: "Result in close cooperation with the objective of ensuring quality and diversity of training even with limited resources "
The Regional Council on a proposal to the Regional Training, Employment, Culture and Sport, Rosa Mastrosimone , approved the plan size in the Basilicata region of schools for the school year 2011/2012.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fluid Lump On Dogs Chest

* * * Happy New Year

Buona Befana a tutti!
Il periodo più bello dell'anno ahimè è giunto al termine, continueremo a portarlo nel nostro cuore con i buoni propositi e il desiderio di essere sempre migliori.
Oggi è l'ultimo giorno per iscriversi (nel post del 2 dicembre 2010 entro ore 24 di oggi January 6, 2011) to my first blog candy, thank you so much you have registered and many are very happy, I'm sorry to have to press one, but it would be impossible to do otherwise, we will have an opportunity to make others Blog Candy.
I wanted to tell you that I will be impossible to extract because it immediately for the next two days I will not be available online the internet, but as soon as possible will announce the winner or winners!
A virtual hug to all and again Happy New Year!


PS: heart with sheep now houses inspired by Terrye French from my sister!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Can You Glue Microfiber


A "bridge employment" soon undertake 621 young graduates

Nuove azioni sulla formazione che siano in sintonia con le esigenze espresse dal mondo del lavoro in Basilicata.

Pubblicate le graduatorie

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Superpump Psychological Effects


Terminata l'istruttoria delle oltre 7mila domande pervenute. Nei prossimi giorni la ufficializzazione degli elenchi sul Bur

Hanno lavorato sodo al Dipartimento Formazione e Lavoro della Regione Basilicata per portare a termine, in poco più di 45 giorni, l’istruttoria delle oltre 7.000 domande relative al “reddito ponte” made by many young school leavers and unemployed graduates Lucan.

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