Sunday, March 13, 2011

Swollen Ankles Causes Alcohol

Raggedy Ann doll

Domenica piovosa qui Reggio Emilia, ne ho approfittato e oggi pomeriggio, tra una lavatrice e l'altra, ho dipinto un coniglio di Terrye che vi farò vedere quando avrò finito!
Cosa ne pensate di  Gabby Ann?
Questo volta il caffè solubile ha lasciato la sua traccia ben marcata, anche se dalla foto non si nota molto, la luce del flash ha schiarito parecchio.
A differenza di altri progetti,  la testa era staccata dal corpo e ho un pò "tirato" ad indovinare per l'assemblaggio delle parti, all'interno per sorreggerla ho capito che bisognasse mettere   skewered by a stick and I did.
One thing I did not understand, and if any of you can give me some advice, what it takes for the body parts must be aged before or after sew?
In this case, but after I did not think it the right solution, because I had remained between the seams of the clear zones, plus I also threatened to burn them in the oven, the instructions they gave me a temperature of 200 °, the next time I will listen to Mila that she had recommended 180 degrees, those who leave the old road .....!!!!!!

has a real nice little face?!?!
When I took this picture without wanting was close to the book of "Amelie" and a little look alike !!!!!

Tonight I expect a nice pile of stuff to iron, we hope there is a good movie on TV so I'm a little bored less.
great week everyone!
A hug.


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