To all lovers of contemporary surrealism Effective immediately, the two days of meetings to be held in the Pauli Arbarei 6:07 November, in which anthropologists, archaeologists , theologians, essayists will confront each other, interspersed with screenings of documentaries on discovery of skeletons of giants and propitiatory dances, the alleged mythical origins of the Sardinian people that are coming now to be lost over the mists of time. The whole thing is sponsored by the City of Arbarei Pauli, from Sardinia, from the Fondazione Banco di Sardegna, and the Museum of the Territory Sa Corona Arrubia. SCIENZA E FANTASCIENZA INSOMMA, FANNO L'AMORE SOSTENUTI DA INTELLIGHENZIA E POTERE, URRA'! Per maggiori info: http://www.stefanosalvatici.it/
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