Trasponsonic Fest is back in a new setting: the magnificent S. Antioco sources in the territory of Scano Montiferro to 10 miles from Macon. Immersed in the woods of Mount San Antonio supply sources in the surrounding countries and are situated in a beautiful park. The wealth of water promotes the growth of huge weeping willows and other trees. E 'site was discovered in a baptismal font, proof of attendance as a place of worship in ancient times already. Now there stands a church dedicated to S. Antioco. And it is water and the mother goddess that we dedicate this edition.
ritual music of contemporary thus innervated but what we propose in a beautiful natural setting ...........
Solar Skeletons? Alos Jealousy Party Tzii Extern Ycon Company Mimomù Bloody They Halton Arp India Von Halkein Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor Saturday, May 22, 2010 22 hours Loc.Sorgenti of S. Antioco Provincial Road Macon-Scan Montiferro.
info: 3407953652
Below is the link to the map and driving directions
http://maps.google.it/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=macomer&daddr=sant 27antioco% + - + scan + of + Montiferro & hl = en & geocode =% FexdZgIdgNWFACnrwNtBSUvcEjGAThDLFb4IBA 3BFeH0ZQIdOW-DAClHc3wMK6zdEjEBs4PtFr4IJg & mra = ls & sll = 40.243895,8.676453 & sspn = 0.128671,0.308647 & ie = UTF8 & ll = 40
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