Wednesday, May 26 at 18 at the hall of the student's home John Cosseddu Via Trentino, Ass. "Politician" in collaboration with the Ersu Cagliari hosting a meeting with the cartoonist Yellow who will present his latest works to the public "insane mouflon sheep vs mutant" and "Revenge of the Mullet rubber.
The meeting will be moderated by Eugene Marica, writer and critic of comics who currently teaches at the school, "Making Comics" of Cagliari. During the meeting, provocatively titled "Sardinia is ready for the transmutation of identity", the author will explore the subject and themes of his work, a comic book story set in a grotesque desecration of the future Sardinia, created through a 'ironic use of different languages, first and foremost that of science-fiction, albeit generously "remodeled." It is indeed difficult to categorize is a comic strip for language, cheper the theme: Tourism and modern forms of mass entertainment, which would make it ready to Sardinia, as is clear from reading the comic, the so-called "identity Transmutation ".
The two books are the result of self-handling for which the author has used the editorial collaboration of the cultural Fiorentina "Double Shot", which is distinct in the panorama of comics in Italy for offering interesting authors of international standing. 'S meeting will be an opportunity to learn about an author active for ten years now the scene of the comic so-called "underground". The discussion will therefore self from the fanzine "Depakine" that Yellow has founded and edited between 2000 and 2005, its collaboration and more generally of his artistic career. In this sense, deserves a special discussion on her art project Plasticol spa that while crossing the world of comics, comes from a personal interpretation of nature situation of the media of mass communication and their impact on social relations, implemented sotto forma di prodotti fittizi provocatori e disturbanti, pubblicizzati da altrettanti manifesti esposti in varie mostre.
Il Muflone insano e il Muggine di caucciù vi aspettano il 26 Maggio alle ore 18.00 presso la sala Giovanni Cosseddu in via Trentino a Cagliari.
info: www.uomopolitico.splinder.com
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