Il Presidente Vendola con il naso da Pinocchio al quale sono appese alcune delle promesse elettorali sulla sanità; un titolo: “Lo sfascio della sanità di Vendola” e un sottotitolo: “Con il Piano della salute Vendola vuol chiudere gli ospedali e conferma più tasse per i pugliesi su gas, benzina, irpef e irap”. Sono i manifesti e i volantini che il centrodestra pugliese al gran completo ha presentato questa mattina in una conferenza stampa the Region of Puglia. "From tomorrow and for the next month - said the leader of Fi - PDL, Rocco Palese - we will be in all the squares in Italy for telling the truth to the public health license plate Vendola. Do not stir up the squares as they did against us in 2003, but we will talk peacefully with people going to the government hospital. This health plan, as we have said many times, it is Pilate, the powers delegated to the Directors-General and decisions that should be in the hands of the regional government and this is also dangerous because too much discretion. A book of dreams that continue to be submitted by the regional government and majority as a "revolution" with an unprecedented propaganda which continues to struggle with inefficiency, poor service, the clientele, the mileage waiting lists that patients live each day in the wards of hospitals. With highlights of scandalous, such as the TAC Vito Fazzi Lecce route now for a year and a half. It served then take to the streets to tell the truth. "The other leaders have echoed. Ruocco (An - Pdl): "President Pinocchio has not kept any of the election promises, is deceiving the public and is continuing to accumulate debt on debt in health care. We further acts and resolutions of all local health and we will go with the public hospitals to check all the disruptions. " Zullo (Puglia first): "We committed to full support in this campaign of truth, why not just to have misled the public during the election campaign and in this nest for the Government approved a Health Plan that offers no answers that the public expects. " Caroppo (UDC): "We are seeing a dramatic health situation in Puglia, where waiting lists are increasing and we must get off the streets and go to the hospital for the people and the sick who have been exploited Vendola and deceived by the center. " Surico (Mixed Group): "The exploitation of health and suffering of the sick made during the election campaign e in questi anni di Governo deve finire. Noi ci limiteremo a dire la verità ai cittadini, e la verità è quella di ospedali privi di attrezzature, di un Piano della Salute che crea una sanità di serie A di serie B e di serie C prevedendo ospedali di base che non garantiscono sicurezza agli ammalati. Il Presidente un giorno dice che vuol chiudere i piccoli ospedali il giorno dopo dice il contrario lamentando l’assenza di servizi territoriali. Segno che i Distretti potenziati e arricchiti di poltrone, creati da questo Governo regionale nel 2006, hanno fallito e sono serviti solo a far lievitare i debiti della sanità pugliese”.Presenti anche i coordinatori regionali di Forza Italia, On. Antonio Distaso e di An, Sen. Adriana Poli Bortone. In addition to the campaign of leafleting in the streets, the center will present the agenda in all municipal councils in Italy for the mayors to engage primarily in the City Council to discuss the priorities of the territories to be given to the CEOs of six ASL Puglia members to prepare plans Implementation Units.
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