following is a worrying agency ANSA
last February that no national newspaper has dared to publish: 10/01/2009 ore19
ANSA: 44
The Regional Command SISMI made known to have discovered hidden in a clandestine print shop in the forest of Burgos, in the province of Nuoro, a leaflet printed in 50,000 copies a number of signature an equally labeled "CRF" or Body of restocking of game. The leaflets were immediately sealed and taken to Villa Certosa, where a certain
Noemi took them over.
the earthquake has allowed the dissemination of a few passages of the leaflet, the content of which is certainly a strong impression and will not fail to worry the public destabilizing the national policy framework that in these days where the two major parties involved in the area regional elections in Sardinia.
The flyer a few days following the declaration of the prime minister to Nuoro for the campaign of the candidate of the PDL Ugo Cappellacci promised to Sardinia a strong increase dell’occupazione e della ricchezza grazie allo sviluppo dell’economia turistica.
Il volantino comincia così la sua invettiva: “consideriamo una grave e criminosa intenzione per il futuro dell’isola l’ intenzione di Silvio Berlusconi di voler aumetare il numero delle presenze turistiche in Sardegna fino a 20.000.000 di turisti l’anno...” poco dopo il volantino precisa che “...anche noi amiamo il turismo e difendiamo le forme attraverso le quali incivilisce l’identità sarda e proprio per questo consideriamo l’intenzione di Berlusconi una vera e propria ingerenza illegale nella storia del progresso sociale autonomista sardo che tale è e tale dovrà rimanere...” the anonymous writer continues with certainty: "... the polls are in our favor and we have the consent of 75% of popolazionne island, and this will force us to counter the growing number of tourists that would cause not only destabilizzazzione but especially in landscaping and fauna bio (...) perverting the fabric anthropological island forever ... "We wish to clarify that SISMI authoritative sources have assured that no survey on behalf of the so-called CRF was never performed in Sardinia and the rest of Italy.
The flyer continues, however, proclaiming "... by this time the firm intention to oppose, through appropriate and contextual means of revolt a tutte le iniziative extra isolane volte a sfruttare le risorse ambientali a favore del ciarpame senza pudore scarsamente o per nulla equipaggiato per apprezzarle....” L’anonimo compilatore afferma che “...ciò che è sardo appartiene ai sardi e nessuno può e deve opporsi, nemmeno la magistratura politicizzata o la stampa internazionale di sinistra...” il C.R.F. conclude salutando il lettore/compagno con un singolare quanto misterioso motto: “hasta la mutaciòn siempre!”
Un approfondito studio del lessico e della grammatica e l’evidente uso di espressioni verbali come “Criminoso”, “I sondaggi sono a nostro favore”, “magistratura politicized "or" foreign press to the left "has done more thinking about the mischievous editor of the leaflet could be true that Bondi, smart poet and adviser at the court Arcorense, and that the CRFaltro is not an invention of the above to be used whenever arises the need to adopt more risky pro-tourism to propagate through the fear of the alleged "terrorist CRF Working Party was"
Information Minister Gasparri proceeded to sue prior
"all those who make assumptions on disgraceful ' identity of the compiler of the leaflet. "
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