Friday, September 19, 2008

Dua Wedding Card Messages

The President of the Municipal Council convenes

25/09/2008 For the day at 9 ordinary meeting of 1st call for the following topics
  1. reading and approval of previous sessions 25/06, 30/06, 04/07, 15/07, 14/08/2008
  2. resignation of Pomarico; Subrogation
  3. resolutions GM No 169 of 29.07.2008 "Changes in Financial Results 2008.Provvedimento num 2. Ratification
  4. Delib GM num 170, 08/08/2008, "Restructuring Program OOPP three years 2008/10 and 2008 annual list. "Ratification

for the day Monday 09/29/2009 at 16 in regular session and for the day 09/30/2008 in 2nd call to deal with following topics:

  1. State of program implementation. Ricognizione financial rebalancing. art.193 Preservation of Legislative Decree 18/08/2000 n.267
  2. Approval Regulation Evaluation Group in accordance with the regulation on Article .29-30 'Order of the offices and services
  3. Request
  4. benefits of the law 13/11/2002 n.256-state of natural disaster on the drought and hail


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